Tuesday, 19 March 2019


1.The hash tag makes it easier for people to find and follow certain topics that they might be interested in for example; #Kasilife people have moved to suburbs and the central districts for  better opportunities and a good better life. Therefor the #kasilife helps them to reconnect and mingle and also discuss kasi life issues, events and things other things that they miss out on. It simply helps them reconnect with a kasi.


#Kasilife can/could be used to create awareness about things that they want to change or spread the word about, it also makes it easier to reach a lot of people all around especially people who were born in a township, for them to help with whatever campaign. For example; If a kasi person or a kasi explorer decides to raise awareness about absent fathers and/or homeless children, they could link their campaign to the #kasilife and in that way anyone who views or searches the #kasilife can be directed to their campaign of raising awareness.



#Kasilife can put a writer in an uncomfortable position, where they feel threatened/attacked.

Most people can surf your page to see what you write and then comment bad things about your content and also your hash tag and also say negative things about the writer. Majority of people are just negative and aim to break others self-esteem, they aim to spread negativity and hatred. For example; if a author posts a picture a a piece about how they love their kasi/township and them someone from the suburbs or anyone at all comments and say that ''your kasi is not all that and it is also the most dangerous place to be, and I bet you are a criminal just like most of the people in your township. That is just wrong.

#Hash tags will be ignored or hacked if you do not use and follow the correct principles.

If a author does not use the #kasilife for what they intended to, for example; #kasilife to promote goodwill and encourage people to share their experiences about being in a township, but instead use it to shame or send negative content on the page, the writer will not get any views because people will not want to see bad things being said about people online and the page will not stay up for too long as it might get hacked and deleted.

It is recommended that a writer who chooses to use the #kasilfe movement should clearly know their target market and know what they require from them, in that way they will be able to write confidently about their new content, without worrying about negative comments that may be written.


The writer should and may also SMART, ensure that they are specific in their content, the things that they are writing about should be relevant and news worthy and not more than a month year old.


Knowing how to use a hash tag when writing is important, just as it is important to choose the correct hash tag to write about.  

1 comment:

  1. I understand that some of the comments from the readers can be seriously damaging, our aim is not to put you down or make you feel bad about a certain bloggers kasi we are just simply trying to represent our own townships because we are as proud as you are.
